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Ethan and his cube

Why Cubes?

One way Ethan's Ohana assists pediatric cancer patients is by collecting Rubik’s Cubes and delivering them to local children’s hospitals or sending them to children in the United States. When Ethan was in treatment, he was given a cube and within the span of a few hours, he had figured out all the algorithms and solved it.

Doctors and nurses would come in his room, and he would have them mix it up and then solve it right in front of them. We realized that the cube was not only keeping him occupied but was a great tool to help with his hand coordination and mental acuity. These cubes hold a special significance for us, and we believe they will bring joy to the children we serve.

Ethan's Ohana is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Ethan's Ohana

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